My goal is to spread a lot of Positive Energy and to send the Message of Togetherness throughout the World. 

The "Songs for the World" are made for all the people and are all filled with a lot of positivity and the unifying message. We want to inspire people to stay all united, to respect our planet and each other in order to make life on Earth nice again, for more people than before.

We don't know exactly how long will this whole period last. Sadly we are seeing many bad events happening around the world, innocent people losing lives and the media potentiating fear and divisions. But we do know that we have to take responsibility and that we all have something inside of us that can make this world a paradise again. 

Let's be all united to overcome this global crisis. Helping each other will be the key to a better future. We are all being led by people with doubtful intentions that don't care much about their people. We the people are the change. With a positive mind and with putting all the barriers in the head aside, we will create a healthier society for our children and the next generations.

With our charity project "Save the World Today" we want to inspire people to help each other through our own example. A half of all the earnings from our music and merch sales will be donated to organizations and people in need of help. We want to create a huge community of people willing to make positive changes and create a better future, as it has never been before.

After everything is over and we can live our lives „normally“ again, probably it's not going to be the same as we are used to. Then is more important than anything that we start to help people and encourage them. A lot of people will struggle for years to come back to where they were. They will all need positive thoughts and positive vibes. Our songs are made to encourage people, to think about the life we had before and the future to come.

Were we good enough as a human race? 

In many ways we did great things for the human race. We brought so many inovations to this world  that that's is incredible. The world is full of genius minds. We have so many good athletes around the world, so many kinds of artists and hundreds of other jobs and passions in which people are successful. They all motivate us to try to be better from day to day. And that's the way we should go. Each one of us has to take responsibility and if we all try to give something positive to the world, our lives are going to be good. Together we have great power. 

The nature shows us that it can live much better without us. Probably wouldn't mind staying this way.  So we don't have to take all the things that have been given us for granted. We have so many beautiful seas, lakes, mountains, forests, rivers, islands, animals, flowers and thousands of wonders that we can enjoy in. There are a lot of  wonderful people around the world that could make the world better for much more other people. But there are also some people that are not doing good things for this world. Those are people with the greatest power. Only doing positive things for the world can bring us forward. 

We must help people that will really need our help, so that more people can live their lives worthy. If all the human beings on Earth would follow this simple rule, instead of devastating, more people would live better on Earth, and that's the point. We are all here for a reason. Each one of us has the potential to be great. We are all unique!

True Love, Respect and Tolerance are the basics for a healthier society.

So let's stay united and make this world a paradise, as it is! 

I will be honored to be together with you on the journey towards the betterment of society.

Get all the songs as a Welcome Gift for you by joining our Exclusive Fans Community. We have a multilingual Community so that we can inspire and unite fans from all over the world.

By purchasing in our Web Shop you will be a part of the movement  to inspire positive changes in the society. You are also directly supporting the whole musical project and helping people in need of help, as we are donating for various causes. 

Wish you good luck and good health! And mental health as well! 

We are all One!


Igor Anicic

Music for the World